Crum Creek Nokotas

Nestled in the Republican River Valley

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Crum Creek Nokota Horse Ranch

Crum Creek Ranch is dedicated to the preservation of The Nokota Horse. In 2007, we made a trip to the Kuntz Ranch and hand selected four mares of important, old lineage foundation stock to begin our own band. It was quite a site, herding in 130 head of Nokotas and weaning off four yearlings to bring home. Since that time three years ago, we have gotten to know the true magic of these majestic horses. If given the proper care and handling they will pair with you for life. We have hand fed them twice a day and most times they will visit us before feeding, like if just saying hi. Please take a further look into our website.
Recent News
 Welcome to our website.
2010-08-23 The last 60 days "Rustler" has been part of The Crum Creek Nokota Horse Ranch". He was a perfect gentleman:). We are happy to have Vixie back as she spent 60 days at the Nokata Horse Conservancy visiting Grandpa Smoke. So if all goes well we will be expecting 4 new baby's next summer.

2010-06-21 The Crum Creek Nokota Horse Ranch will be making a trip to North Dakota soon:) We will be breeding our mares this year to Seth Zeiglers' stallion "Rustler".