Crum Creek Nokotas

Nestled in the Republican River Valley


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Hunt Nebraska
The Total Experience! Whether you choose an upland game hunt or go after that trophy buck with a rifle or bow, Hunt Nebraska will provide you with the experience, hospitality and results of a great hunt.

Habitat- Hunt Nebraska owns top hunting land for exclusive and private use by our clients. Hunt upland game in rolling grasslands, grainfields, hay meadows, deep canyons, or the timber and bottomlands of the Republican River and its tributaries. Experienced guides and well trained dogs are provided or bring your dog for the thrill of his life.

Game Species- At Hunt Nebraska, hunt pheasant, quail, chukar, Merriam and Rio Turkeys and whitetail deer. The Arapahoe area is well known for mixed bag hunting. With our professional habitat management the hunting is spectacular.

Lodge-- We offer guest room accommodations for corporate travel, corporate hunts, meetings, retreats, other special functions, and events. Call for more information.
The Nokota Horse Conservancy
The Nokota Horse Conservancy is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to preserve the unique and historical Nokota Horse.
Zeigler Nokotas
Seth, Emma and new baby, Aldo Gunnar
Seth has devoted his young adult life to the preservation of The Nokota Horse.